The Battles We Pick
What can we learn about making social and political change from talking to professional change-makers? This work takes a combination of persistence, shrewdness, and luck. On the Battles We Pick podcast, skilled advocates and organizers talk about how they deal with the various challenges they confront.
Theme music by generous permission of recording artist Stephen.
Podcasting since 2023 • 23 episodes
The Battles We Pick
Latest Episodes
Civic Strategist Caitie Whelan on "Giving folks the tools to make public policy for the people"
Civic strategist Caitie Whelan's professional mission is to level the playing field of public policy. As she puts it on her website, "If regular folks don’t know how to have a voice in policymaking, l...
Episode 23
White nationalism researcher Hannah Gais on the overlap of hate groups and the GOP
The Intelligence Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center is well known for...
Episode 22

Veteran immigrant rights advocate Charles Kamasaki on the last comprehensive reform, and the next
It is often noted that the last time Congress enacted comprehensive immigration reform was in the 1980s. Charles Kamasaki was not only deeply involved in shaping that le...
Episode 21